4 Ways a Hot Bath Helps Improve Circulation

4 Ways a Hot Bath Helps Improve Circulation

If you’re getting older or suffer from mobility problems, you’re at an increased risk of poor circulation. This can be detrimental to your overall health as older people tend to suffer from circulation issues more frequently than the younger crowd. Luckily enough, you can improve your circulation simply by taking a warm bath. Here are just four ways a hot bath can help make your blood flow more easily.

  1. Makes Your Heart Work

Let’s face it, a hot bath always sounds inviting. However, other than being a relaxing experience, it comes with a bunch of health benefits, especially for the heart. Immersing yourself in warm water makes your heart beat faster, and it isn’t just the heat that helps. Water puts pressure on your body. You won’t feel that pressure, but your body will register it. The amount of blood flowing to your heart will increase, so your heart will have to work faster and harder. As such, taking a warm bath can improve circulation in much the same way as light exercise.

  1. Expands Blood Vessels

When your body is cold, arteries and veins constrict to help maintain warmth, which is obviously bad for your circulation. When your body is warm, those arteries and veins relax and dilate, which provides more space for blood to flow. When you take a warm bath, you’re opening up your blood vessels and improving circulation. This can especially work wonders in the winter season when it is all the more important to keep your body warm.

  1. Relieves Tension

You’ve probably noticed that you feel more relaxed after enjoying a nice hot bath, and that’s not just because you’ve had some time to yourself. When your body is immersed in warm water, the tension goes out of your muscles, which is why hot baths are so good if you suffer from arthritis or other joint problems. That relaxing of the muscles also improves circulation, and blood is better able to remove waste products. To get the most relaxing results, perhaps a whirlpool bath might work better than a traditional one. This is due to the jets and sprays in the former that can focus on your sore muscles. However, a simple hot shower might suffice as well because the heat from the water will work wonders on a tense body.

  1. Removes Pressure Points

When you’re sitting, pressure is focused around your back and lower hips. When you’re standing, pressure is focused around your legs and feet. With those areas under pressure, blood isn’t able to flow as easily. That’s why you’ll tend to feel numb after sitting or standing too long. When you’re in a bath, your body is partially supported by the water, so blood is able to flow unimpeded around your entire body. You can also get ergonomically designed bathtubs that support your head, neck, back and hips, whilst raising your knees slightly to support the legs. Older bathtubs tend to have no support at all, making them uncomfortable to lie in, so if you have an old bath, consider looking for services offering bathroom renovations Red Deer (or wherever you are) to have a new bath fitted. By supporting certain areas, your new bath will distribute your weight more evenly, allowing you to comfortably relax for as long as you desire. When you’re ready to get out, you’ll find any aches and pains will have eased, leaving you calm and stress-free.