Basic Things we all Want out of Life

Basic Things we all Want out of Life

If you take a closer look at economies that are prosperous and there’s additionally a relatively even distribution of wealth and opportunities, many intra-species prejudices disappear. On the other end of that scale are people who are divided along all manner of lines, but in both cases the basic things we all want out of life are the same. When people spend the money they work relatively hard for in prosperous and equal communities, what they spend on comes down to five things. Equally so, when people from a divided community go up in arms in protest, what they claim to be fighting for are the same five things.


Merely having a roof over your head goes down as a form of comfort, but it perhaps makes for a need more than anything else. We all need shelter from the elements, but based on what we fill our houses up with given the opportunity and based on how big some living spaces can get, the indication is that we all want comfortable shelter.

A sense of purpose

If someone is born into extreme wealth, the reason they don’t just sit around lazily at the side of the pool every single day is because they need a sense of purpose. They need something to dedicate their lives to, but don’t always necessarily find it.

A sense of belonging and companionship

We all want to be loved in some or other way and feel as if we belong somewhere. If it’s not the natural bonds of family we reinforce then we seek bonds through the formation of friendships.


This perhaps goes back to seeking a sense of purpose, hence the existence of clichés such as “it’s not about the destination, but about the journey.” Stimulation can be attained via the process of pursuing a sense of purpose which you may not even know exactly what it is. We all want stimulation and in fact I’d go as far as saying that we all need it.


The mentioned basic desires can perhaps even be classed as needs instead of wants, but they transcend all demographics. One demographic which perhaps best attests to this, on one side of the demographic spectrum of course, is that which seeks the services of a the best personal injury attorney Los Angeles has available, because you would think that legal representation of that sort in that part of the world would naturally cost an arm and a leg, given the concentration of wealthy people in that region.

That isn’t the case though, because you can get free consultation in order to have your case evaluated, but these legal professionals cater to the same basic desire or need every human appears to have, which is that of security. In this particular instance it’s financial security, because if you are indeed injured and can no longer engage in the type of economic activity through which you were earning your living, you still need the financial security of something like a pay out from filing a claim.