Best Hair Oils For Hair Care & Nourishment During Winters

Best Hair Oils For Hair Care & Nourishment During Winters

The harsh winter winds can create havoc for your hair and make them dry and brittle. Since winters lead to a loss of hydration for the hair due to cold dry winds, our hair can look dull, undernourished and weak. Infact, dryness further causes the scalp to become flaky and this leads to dandruff. Moreover dandruff causes itching which can further be embarrassing and irritating. This is why it becomes really important for you to take care of your hair properly during the cold months. Investing in professional salon products is always a good move, but especially during the winter. Having shampoo, conditioner, and hair oils is the first step to ensuring your hair is in great condition all year round. The best way to do so is to give yourself a good hair oil massage. The following is a list of the 8 best hair oils for hair care and proper nourishment during the winter months:

  1. Almond oil

Almond oil is considered to be one of the best hair oils for massage as it provides the right amount of nourishment and essential elements to the scalp. It is a good source of vitamins E and D and thus plays the role of a natural moisturizer. It prevents hair from frizziness, dullness, and dryness. You can massage your hair a night before wash for the best results.

  1. Sage oil

If you are suffering from issues like hair loss, hair thinning, and baldness, sage oil can be on the list of the best hair oils for hair care during winter and addressing these issues. This type of oil has several natural hair development boosters and can help prevent your hair concerns. It boosts hair growth and makes hair glossier and stronger. It adds to hair health during winter if used regularly.

Nevertheless, it is important to note that not everyone can benefit from sage oil, especially if hair loss or baldness is due to genetic conditions. Such cases might need a professional intervention. You can consider visiting a reputable hair loss clinic, like harley street hair clinic in London (if you are based in this location) to address your concerns. A doctor from these clinics can provide you with personalized advice and recommend surgical or non-surgical treatments based on the severity of your hair issue. This can ensure that you are receiving the most effective and suitable solution for your problem.

  1. Castor oil

Castor oil is known for strengthening hair, preventing hair fall and boosting hair growth. Applying it regularly on your scalp, especially during the wintry weather, provides the hair and scalp with the necessary oxygen which nourishes hair and prevents breakage. This oil is a good source of omega 6 fatty acids as well as vitamin E as well.

  1. Olive oil

Olive oil hair massage helps the hair retain moisture and hence prevents dry and flaky scalp. Regular oil massage of this oil can replenish the hair roots and provide nourishment that is much needed in the cold season.


  1. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is another one which is considered as the best one for hair massage during the dry and cold season. This oil helps repair damaged hair and split ends which tend to crop up due to winds and dryness. It is best to apply coconut oil by warming it a little as this can boost blood circulation and provide the right amount of oxygen to your hair.

  1. Argan oil

Another fantastic hair oil for cold season is Argan oil. Argan is basically a tree which bears both nuts and fruits and the oil that is derived from it is also known as Moroccan oil. This oil protects hair from breaking and dryness and provides an immediate boost in terms of nourishment. This oil makes hair soft and is not as greasy as coconut oil.

  1. Jojoba oil

This oil is obtained from jojoba plant and is known for providing hydration from deep within. It treats the hair follicles directly and provides softness and shine, which is much needed during the winters. Another major benefit of using this oil is that it treats dandruff as well, which is common during cold months of the year.

  1. Sesame oil

This is an anti microbial oil which is known for treating many kinds of scalp infections and fungal infections. The best way to use it is to warm it a little as this can help get rid of dandruff and dryness. It has vitamin E content as well and thus boosts hair growth.

Now that you know the various oils for hair oil massage, you must make it a point to try each and see which works the best for you. Each hair type is different and hence different oils will work differently for people. Infact if you are looking for price reductions, you can visit VoucherBin, avail offers and discounts on the hair and beauty products that you love from well known sellers like Cult Beauty. They bring you the best hair care products at extremely affordable prices. Doing so will enable you to try several hair oils and hair care products and thus find out which works the best for you. Hair care is something which everyone must work hard for since hair play a great role in building our personality and make us look youthful.