Checking out French Connection at Bedtime

Checking out French Connection at Bedtime

I know I’m going a little off-piste with this article but I thought, instead of focusing on daytime fashion for wear in public, I’d like to write about my night-time cosy comforts, and review some of the fabulous Christmas prezzies I’ve received recently.

We never know what type of winter we’re going to get, so it’s important to be prepared to wrap up warm both in and out of the house over the winter months, while we pray for a Great British Summer!

The Importance of a Cosy Night

I think being comfortable in your bedroom is hugely important. It’s your own private place to relax and unwind, so it’s really important that you feel comfortable here.

Although, if you’re sleeping alone, no-one sees you, I still like to wear something that is, firstly, cosy, and, secondly, seriously cute. I don’t think I’m alone in this, as in every clothes shop and supermarket there are rails of pyjamas, nightgowns and slippers in every style, shape and colour.

Everyone loves to receive funky, comfortable night wear you can really snuggle up in, so they also make great (and relatively inexpensive) presents. I received some of the best presents ever this Christmas, so I thought I’d share my favourites.

Over the Knee Socks

Seriously, these socks from French Connection are the best thing ever! I love wearing a dressing gown over the top of my PJs, but often I find my upper body is warm, but my lower body still feels a chill.

These socks are super soft and warm, and fit perfectly underneath by pyjama pants, ensuring my legs and feet are always super-toasty as well.

They are even more comfortable than they look!

They are even more comfortable than they look!

Super Soft Fringe Blanket Throw

This present, also from French Connection so it’s a guaranteed incredibly high quality product, was a splash-out present from my boyfriend’s mother; who knew she had such good taste! The neutral colour means it looks fab in either my purple-themed bedroom, or in by red/brown/cream living room.

The super soft material is simply gorgeous. If I was the type to be poetic, I may even go so far as to say it feels like being wrapped up snug in a cloud! It’s definitely the perfect gift to combat a hostile, freezing winter.

Hot Water Bottle

If you don’t have one, you HAVE to invest in one. Hot water bottles are fabulous for heating the bed before you first get in it – there’s nothing worse than jumping into bed and being greeted by vile, cold sheets!

Hot water bottles come with covers of all different materials, and I think it’s important to get one that feels really soft, so you feel comfortable cuddling up to it.

If you already have a hot water bottle, it’s possible to just purchase the covers from stores like French Connection, and you can have fun choosing a really funky design.

This post was sponsored by spreaditfast.