The best e-liquids – What do they comprise of?

The best e-liquids – What do they comprise of?

If you have been a vaper for a long time now, you must have had some kind of experience in knowing what the vape juice is made up of. In every vape juice, or which is also known as the e-liquid, you’ll find a mixture of water, some kind of special flavoring, vegetable glycerine, propylene glycol and nicotine (which you can choose or even not choose). You might have also come across some CBD vaping liquids like the ones available at mmjexpress ( or other such online cannabis dispensaries. That said, the flavoring that is put within e-cigarettes is of food grade and it is safe to eat and it is also sometimes delicious.

E-liquids, the best ones can be found at, and they usually comprise of propylene glycol which is the liquid that distributes the flavor and taste evenly within the liquid. Here are a few components of e-liquids that you should know of. Read on.

Comparing Vegetable Glycerin and Propylene Glycol

Vegetable Glycerin – E-juices which are made with this are usually stronger and thicker than PG. VG has got the ability to produce increased build-up on the different parts of a vaporizer and the life span of the vape pen will be reduced in case this happens. A good example of high VG e-liquids is the UK brand Dinner Lady, and there are plenty of similar examples you can find on online dispensaries. These types of juices produce clouds of vapor which are thicker and bigger than the cloud that can be produced by PG as the latter is denser in terms of the way in which it is made. However, as per reports, the users who have used VG have reported a few allergies that took place with the juice of VG.

Propylene Glycol – Propylene Glycol is undoubtedly the less dense one of the 2 liquids. Because of this quality, it gets absorbed quickly by the cotton inside vape pens, which, by the way, can be sourced from a vape shop uk or wherever you live. The mod inside will also not leave back any residue as it is thinner in consistency. PG is not blessed with any flavor and hence the e-juice flavor can retain its individual flavor. This is why smokers or vapers often use PG over VG for this reason. Although it might seem to be beneficial for the users to use Propylene Glycol, people who are thinking of getting this liquid should also be aware of the allergic reactions which are also linked with this e-liquid.

Hence, choosing between the 2 main e-juices depends on the personal choices and preferences of the user. Both have benefits that make vaping a pleasurable experience. In case you’re someone who prefers a stronger hit on the throat, choose a juice with PG and on the other hand, if you want to blow those extreme vape clouds, VG will be a better choice.