Tips For Choosing A Present That Your Style-Loving Friend Will Appreciate
If you read my blog on a regular basis, you will know that I am a real fashion lover. I am crazy about clothes, jewellery and accessories, and I know lots of other ladies that are the same.
The fact that so many of my friends and female relatives are also into style, got me thinking about birthday presents. You might be thinking how do these two things link, but wait, hear me out and then you will see.
I often struggle when it comes to choosing birthday gifts, as do lots of people. It isn’t easy choosing a present for someone else, even if they are your best friend. I always end up getting them a spa voucher or a box of chocolates, and it’s getting a bit boring now, which brings me back to style.
This year, I decided that for all the ladies in my life who love being stylish, I would buy them something fashion-related. Yes, it might be a bit of a risk, especially when it comes to clothes, but it’s better than a boring box of chocolates.
In case the idea of giving your fashion-loving friends stylish gifts appeals to you, I have put together some tips, below:
Jewellery is a great choice
If you want to buy the birthday girl something stylish but aren’t keen on the idea of buying her clothing, jewellery is a good choice. Just make sure that before buying her jewellery, that you know what style and colour she prefers.
While some ladies prefer gold jewellery, others prefer silver and it’s important to know which the birthday girl prefers. We each have different skin tones, and so, we each suit different colours of jewellery. That’s why it’s important to know which type of jewellery the birthday girl prefers.
Once you know what colour jewellery the birthday girl likes, as well as the style she prefers – classic or modern, you can pick the perfect piece. If you are getting her earrings, make sure to double check whether she has her ears pierced. If not, it doesn’t matter as there are lots of lovely clip on earrings on the market.
Don’t ever buy trousers
When it comes to shopping for stylish gifts, never buy trousers as a gift. A lot of us ladies are funny about the styles of trousers that we like, so buying trousers is too tricky. While some of us love straight-legged jeans, others prefer the super skinny look. So unless you know, the exact style that the birthday girl likes, steer clear.
Tops are a safer bet
If you want to buy your friend or relative a piece of stylish clothing for her birthday, a top is a much safer bet than trousers. If you have an idea of the type of style the birthday girl dresses in, then you should be able to choose her a top that she loves.
If you know where she normally shops, make sure to visit those stores as they could have the perfect top. Just make sure that wherever you shop for your friend’s top, that you get a gift receipt so that she can exchange it if she doesn’t like it.
When it comes to choosing a present for a friend or relative who loves fashion and style, it can be tricky knowing what to get her. However, by following the simple tips in this guide, you can choose her a present that she will love.