Tips For Protecting Your Favorite Clothes In And Out Of Storage
If you love your clothing you want to protect it, even when it’s packed away off season. If you yo-yo with your weight you might want to hold onto some of the stuff that doesn’t fit you right now on hand, just in case, but when you do need to dig it out you want it to be in good shape.
While normally it’s packed clothes, stored in a basement or attic, that are at most risk for issues (like insects or water damage), if you live in an older home even the stuff in your closet or dresser could be at risk of pets and other things that could damage your favorite wardrobe pieces.
Store Them Properly
One key to keeping your clothing safe is to store it properly. While bugs and pests can easily get into a regularly used dresser, they are less likely to stick around if you’re in it daily. Speaking of boxes, instead of storing your clothing in cardboard, use plastic storage bins or even plastic sealable bags. You can invest in vacuum bag systems, which are a great way to protect your clothing from pests as well as moisture.
Also, are you aware that moisture can ruin your clothing, making it moldy and musty? A moldy surface or environment can destroy fabric and anything else it touches. Mold on clothes can also affect your skin and lead to various health problems, from skin irritation to allergies. You certainly would not want to fall into this problem, so it’s better to have your storage areas and home checked by a professional Mold Remediation service provider to keep your surfaces mold-free and your clothes in good condition.
Material Eating Insects
Moths are, undoubtedly, an extreme pain. Consequently, carpet moth treatment is readily available and for good reason, as not only do they eat carpet and old furniture, but they will also dine on your clothing as well. There are some moths that will just fly in and out of your home, preferring their outdoor life. But there are also some that stick around to eat anything made of cloth or other materials in your home.
Learn the types of moths that pose a risk, and know what to look for if you’re concerned about an infestation. You can also learn to use natural things to keep them out of your closets, stuff that’s less stinky than mothballs. If stuff is in storage, store it in airtight plastic, so it’s safe from bugs and more.
Keeping Out Other Pests
Mice can cause all sorts of issues in your home and they will get into your dressers and boxed up items. Don’t store clothing in boxes. If you do store your clothing items in plastic totes you still want them to be sealed in something else inside so they are airtight.
Additionally, if you are concerned that you have a pest issue, contacting pest control melbourne services that are available, or pest control services wherever you are based, will help to efficiently deal with the problem. Companies such as Pest Control Experts are out there to help with any unwanted visitors and ultimately protect not just your clothes, but your health and home too.
Protect your home from mice by sealing off the ways they can get into your home. You may also want to keep out some strategically placed traps, just in case.
Keeping Them Smelling Good
You also want to keep your clothing in storage smelling good (especially if you’re using mothballs to keep pests away). Wash your clothing before you pack it and make sure that it is fully dry before you seal the items off. You don’t want to grow mold in there with damp clothing and ruin a whole container full of fashion.
One of the most simple things you can do to keep your clothing smelling good, whether it’s packed away or just in a dresser drawer, is to put a dryer sheet in with it. You could also use scented soaps or potpourri sachets.
Protecting From The Elements
You also want to protect your clothing from the elements, so to speak. You want to keep them from the stale air which could cause oxidizing of some materials. You also want them safe from water (which can happen when storing in attics just as easy as in basements).
Know about the lifespan of certain clothing materials before you pack them away. Things like pleather and PVC just don’t hold up to the test of time, sometimes no matter how careful you are with them.