Using Fashion And Beauty To Find True Love

Using Fashion And Beauty To Find True Love

While you don’t need to be a beauty queen or a fashionista to find true love, if you are, why not use it? You want to find a guy that doesn’t mind your walk-in closet full of shoes and that doesn’t mind when it takes you over an hour to get ready for a night on the town. So, use these passions to find the right love of your life.

How you will want to go about this is simply by being yourself! Here are some tips.

Take Authentic Photos

When you are posting your face on dating websites you want to post the real you. If you spend most of your time in makeup, dressed to the nines, make sure your photos show that. Don’t post the photo of that one time your nephew got you to go fishing if it’s a rare thing and you don’t normally wear flannel.

Nothing is more annoying than meeting someone in person only to find out that what you liked about their photos isn’t who they really are. Don’t alter your photos just to attract a certain type of person. And, why not post a photo of your massive shoe collection. That doesn’t make you high maintenance, it just makes you a shoe lover, and their are plenty of men that like a women that like shoes, great clothing, and taking forever to get ready!

Be Honest

Don’t just be honest with your photo, you should also be honest with your words. When you fill out a dating profile, or even when you simply meet someone in public, you want to be honest. You shouldn’t pretend you like sports just because a guy you are interested in likes them. Those little white lies will lead to nightmares in the future.

There are many men, and women, out there that would love to have a woman in their life that loves clothes and makeup. It just doesn’t pay to hide your scarf and belt collection, because there is someone out there that will love your collection as much as they love you.

Talk About Your Passions

Your dating profile doesn’t have enough room to talk about why you love all 100 pairs of your shoes, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t come up on one of your dates. Obviously before you bring someone home with you you’ll want to prepare them for the shock of those shoes or that closet crammed full of clothes.

Tell your date why you are passionate about fashion. The way a person’s face lights up when they talk about anything they are passionate about is a great way to win over anyone’s heart. This is how your fashion sense and love of beauty products might help you find love! And, if it doesn’t, at least you still have great fashion sense.