How Not To Wear Fake Tan

How Not To Wear Fake Tan

I really love the sun-kissed look, but with all the warnings about tanning in the sun and going to lay in the cancer causing machines for an hour I have decided to go fake tan for a change. There are many ways to fake tan from bronzing powders to rub on lotions that you can apply at home, or you can opt for a more expensive option of going to tanning salons and getting professionally sprayed.


Some common mistakes people make is choosing a tan colour that is simply too dark for their skin and they often don’t rub the lotion in evenly creating darker and patchy spots. Whether it’s done at home or in a salon, it’s important to not rush the process because no matter the price or brand it will end up being a shoddy job. There are tanning moisturisers that offer nearly a 50/50 of tanning lotion and moisturiser that you apply gradually each day to slowly build up the tanned look you are happy with.

A few common mistakes that can happen when fake tanning are:

1. You mustn’t apply too much tan to the knees and elbows, as these areas darken quickly and only need a slight amount to tan.

2. It’s better to exfoliate your skin before you apply fake tan so it is clean and smooth as sometimes the rubbing with the tan cream can move dead skin making it uneven and unable to be rubbed in properly.

3. If you decide to tan your face, remember it will be darker than your body and sometimes a small layer of foundation is better if your tan is just for a one night occasion. Remember when tanning your face not to brush your teeth shortly after as the toothpaste can strip tan.


4. Also don’t tan after a hot bath or shower or if the room is steamy as your body is hot and your probably got some perspiration beginning which can cause the tanning cream or spray to patch and become uneven.

5. Try not to put clothing on straight away let your tan air dry for as long as possible and avoid tight clothing as this can rub on your tan stripping the layer of tan.

6. Always apply tan to clean skin because if you have moisturiser or other body products on your skin from earlier on they will act as a barrier and stop the tan from absorbing in.

7. For your legs, get a better flawless tan if you shave your legs a day prior to tanning; the tan can seep into your open pores and create freckle like spots all over your legs, and shaving after tanning can strip the first layer of tan acting like an exfoliate sponge.

8. Finally to finish off and seal your tan add a good quality moisturiser to keep skin hydrated and soft that will ensure your tan stays fresh and flawless.


These few tips will help to make sure after fake tanning you don’t look like an orange man from Willy Wonka or David Dickinson, and you will have a gorgeous tan everyone will want.

This article is provided by Catherine.